Status Card

The Status card shows:

  • entities based on state (on, heating, playing etc.)
  • entities hidden when they are off
  • opens pop up where you can control the entity sorted by area/room

Currently supported entity domains:

  • light
  • swtich
  • media_player
  • climate
  • window
  • door
  • motion
  • lock
  • vacuum
  • fan



Status Card Configuration


Variable Option Requirement Default Description
person1 string required none Define the name of person1
person2 string required none Define the name of person2
area_filter string optional none Define the areas you want to include/exclude
area_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the area of all assigned entities
filter string optional none Define the entities you want to include/exclude
light_title string optional Lights Define the title for light entities
light_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for light entities
media_title string optional Media Define the title for media entities
media_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for media entities
climate_title string optional Climate Define the title for climate entities
climate_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for climate entities
switch_title string optional Switch Define the title for switch entities
switch_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for switch entities
sensor_title string optional Sensor Define the title for sensor entities
sensor_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for sensor entities
fan_title string optional Fan Define the title for fan entities
fan_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for fan entities
select_title string optional Select Define the title for select entities
select_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for select entities
boolean_title string optional Input Boolean Define the title for input_boolean entities
boolean_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for input_boolean entities
binary_title string optional Binary Sensor Define the title for binary_sensor entities
binary_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for binary_sensor entities
vacuum_title string optional Vacuum Define the title for vacuum entities
vacuum_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for vacuum entities
motion_title string optional Lights Define the title for motion entities
motion_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for motion entities
window_title string optional Lights Define the title for window entities
window_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for window entities
door_title string optional Lights Define the title for door entities
door_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for door entities
lock_title string optional Lights Define the title for lock entities
lock_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for lock entities
light_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-light-card Define the card type for light entities
media_player_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-media-player-card Define the card type for media player entities
climate_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-climate-card Define the card type for climate entities
switch_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for switch entities
motion_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for motion entities
window_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for window entities
door_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for door entities
lock_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-lock-card Define the card type for lock entities
vacuum_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-vacuum-card Define the card type for vacuum entities
fan_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-fan-card Define the card type for fan entities
state_on string optional ‘on’ Define the wording for ‘on’ in your language
state_open string optional open Define the wording for ‘open’ in your language

You can leave most variables at default and change the ones you like to (maybe to change language)

For example:

type: custom:decluttering-card
  grid-area: status
template: status_card
  - switch_filter_type: select
  - area_filter: Sonstige
  - person1: bjorn
  - person2: juliane
  - filter: >-
      light.links_schreibtisch light.rechts_schreibtisch
      light.mitte_schreibtisch light.sonstige light.wled
      switch.steckdose_wohnzimmer switch.buero_pc switch.steckdose_schlafzimmer

you can include/selct or exclude/reject areas/rooms by defining the variable area_filter_type and area_filter. Same is for entities. You can set the filter for each domain seperatly.

For example: switch_filter_type: select & light_filter_type: reject will only include switch entities and exclude light entities which are set in filter.


The syntax of my filter variable is a bit different than you might know it from HA but its also simpler. Seperate different entities just with a space, no comma, no semicolon needed.