Rooms Configuration
This shows:
- all entities assigned to your area
- grouped by entity domain
Rooms Configuration
Add a new room page with these settings:
Use Grid layout from layout card. Choose Subview if you want to hide it from top bar.
Also specify the path to the same path in the room card.
Variable | Option | Requirement | Default | Description |
area | string | required | none | Define the area of all assigned entities |
filter | string | optional | none | Define the entities you want to include/exclude |
light_title | string | optional | Lights | Define the title for light entities |
light_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for light entities |
media_title | string | optional | Media | Define the title for media entities |
media_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for media entities |
climate_title | string | optional | Climate | Define the title for climate entities |
climate_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for climate entities |
switch_title | string | optional | Switch | Define the title for switch entities |
switch_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for switch entities |
sensor_title | string | optional | Sensor | Define the title for sensor entities |
sensor_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for sensor entities |
fan_title | string | optional | Fan | Define the title for fan entities |
fan_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for fan entities |
select_title | string | optional | Select | Define the title for select entities |
select_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for select entities |
boolean_title | string | optional | Input Boolean | Define the title for input_boolean entities |
boolean_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for input_boolean entities |
binary_title | string | optional | Binary Sensor | Define the title for binary_sensor entities |
binary_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for binary_sensor entities |
vacuum_title | string | optional | Vacuum | Define the title for vacuum entities |
vacuum_filter_type | select/reject | optional | reject | Define the filter type for vacuum entities |
light_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-light-card | Define the card type for light entities |
media_player_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-media-player-card | Define the card type for media player entities |
climate_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-climate-card | Define the card type for climate entities |
switch_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-entity-card | Define the card type for switch entities |
sensor_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-entity-card | Define the card type for sensor entities |
input_boolean_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-entity-card | Define the card type for input boolean entities |
binary_sensor_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-entity-card | Define the card type for binary sensor entities |
lock_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-lock-card | Define the card type for lock entities |
vacuum_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-vacuum-card | Define the card type for vacuum entities |
fan_card_type | card type | optional | custom:mushroom-fan-card | Define the card type for fan entities |
You can change the variables to the one you want.
For example:
type: custom:decluttering-card
template: auto_room
- area: Büro
- sensor_filter_type: select
- switch_filter_type: select
- select_filter_type: select
- filter: >-
light.schlafzimmer light.first_led_hardware_instance_2
- media_title: Medien
- light_title: Licht
- climate_title: Klima
- switch_title: Schalter
- fan_title: Lüfter