Rooms Configuration

This shows:

  • all entities assigned to your area
  • grouped by entity domain


Rooms Configuration

Add a new room page with these settings:


Use Grid layout from layout card. Choose Subview if you want to hide it from top bar.

Also specify the path to the same path in the room card.


Variable Option Requirement Default Description
area string required none Define the area of all assigned entities
filter string optional none Define the entities you want to include/exclude
light_title string optional Lights Define the title for light entities
light_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for light entities
media_title string optional Media Define the title for media entities
media_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for media entities
climate_title string optional Climate Define the title for climate entities
climate_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for climate entities
switch_title string optional Switch Define the title for switch entities
switch_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for switch entities
sensor_title string optional Sensor Define the title for sensor entities
sensor_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for sensor entities
fan_title string optional Fan Define the title for fan entities
fan_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for fan entities
select_title string optional Select Define the title for select entities
select_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for select entities
boolean_title string optional Input Boolean Define the title for input_boolean entities
boolean_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for input_boolean entities
binary_title string optional Binary Sensor Define the title for binary_sensor entities
binary_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for binary_sensor entities
vacuum_title string optional Vacuum Define the title for vacuum entities
vacuum_filter_type select/reject optional reject Define the filter type for vacuum entities
light_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-light-card Define the card type for light entities
media_player_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-media-player-card Define the card type for media player entities
climate_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-climate-card Define the card type for climate entities
switch_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for switch entities
sensor_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for sensor entities
input_boolean_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for input boolean entities
binary_sensor_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-entity-card Define the card type for binary sensor entities
lock_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-lock-card Define the card type for lock entities
vacuum_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-vacuum-card Define the card type for vacuum entities
fan_card_type card type optional custom:mushroom-fan-card Define the card type for fan entities

You can change the variables to the one you want.

For example:

type: custom:decluttering-card
template: auto_room
  - area: Büro
  - sensor_filter_type: select
  - switch_filter_type: select
  - select_filter_type: select
  - filter: >-
      light.schlafzimmer light.first_led_hardware_instance_2
  - media_title: Medien
  - light_title: Licht
  - climate_title: Klima
  - switch_title: Schalter
  - fan_title: Lüfter